Do I have to prepare the text before sending it?
We will return you the document you sent us, but in the chosen language. If you are going to manipulate translated texts and you do not master the other language, you can:
- Number each section (particularly long texts).
- Ask for the translation as a bilingual table (recommended for lists of words or short phrases.)
There are some texts that I DON’T want to translate…
Put them in a different colour and indicate that it is not necessary to translate the texts marked in that colour.
What is the format to translate them?
We overwrite the original whenever the format allows us (almost all except pdf, tif, xml, etc.). If you have a document in PDF and Word, send us the version in Word, you will save time and money.
If you are not sure, please consult us.
- If we cannot overwrite the original, we will send a document in MS Word with the texts arranged so that they can be identified, but they will have the same appearance as the original. If you want to get a document that is the same as the original, ask for this added service when you order the translation.
- In some languages we ca translate idml files exported from InDesign that can then be imported directly.
And the name of the document?
It is best if it reflects the content (avoid names like “Translate.doc” or “Trinor.ppt”).
We usually return the translated document with the same name as the original but with the language code (suffix) added at the end. Examples of an original text in Spanish:
Original document: General catalogue texts.docx
Translation into German: General catalogue texts-DE.docx
Translation into French: General catalogue texts-FR.docx
If, for whatever reason, we have to send you the original revised, we will return it with its language code and an ‘r’, indicating that it has been revised or modified in some way:
Original revised: General catalogue texts-ENr.docx