TRINOR is based in a part of the world noted for its wines. Among the various wine-growing and producing regions in our area, there are two which stand out for the high quality of their wines and for their international renown: Rioja and Navarra. Both regions share many characteristics: native grape varieties, the professionalism of their winemakers, the character of their people, an exceptional cuisine and a common history. However, each one of them has given their wines in a unique and inimitable personality.
The pages linked from this page offer some basic information on Rioja and Navarra wines:
Basic facts about the location of the D.O.Ca. Rioja, its production figures and the wines produced in this wine region.
Basic facts about the location of the D.O. Navarra, its production figures and the wines produced in this wine region.
Permitted grape varieties
Grape varietiespermitted by regulations for making red and white wines in each wine region.
Ageing limits
Vintage ratings
Official vintage ratings issued by the Control Boards of the D.O.Ca. Rioja and the D.O. Navarra since 1926 and 1964, respectively.